Sex offenses can be both traumatizing and stigmatizing. On the part of the victim, rape and sexual assault can be very devastating. Child pornography, indecent exposure, and other similar offenses are equally distressing. But on the part of the wrongfully accused, sexual offenses are among the most stigmatizing criminal charges in the entire justice system. Houston criminal attorneys understand this type of accusation it brands the accused with disgrace and scandal in the process.
A person charged with sexual crimes is not only besmirched in his or her reputation and tainted with dishonor, he or she also stands at a greater risk of criminal conviction, to which grave penalties are attached. In addition to a lengthy prison time, conviction also produces consequences such as hostile treatment from society and characterization as a sex offender.
The likelihood of disgrace, antagonism and deprivation of liberty are a lot to bear for someone wrongfully charged with sex crimes. If you’ve been charged with sex offenses, it is imperative to seek the specialized legal assistance of a Houston sex crimes attorney right away.
Handling Charges of Sex Offenses
The courts, prosecutors and law enforcement officials usually employ a harsh stance against persons charged with sex offenses. The process can be invasive on your privacy and, more importantly, very damaging to your reputation and honor. When it comes to criminal allegations of sex offenses, the stakes are very high. The consequences of conviction are extreme and lasting. That’s why taking immediate action is imperative to build a strong, solid defense against these charges.
If you’ve been charged with a sex crime, a Houston sex crimes attorney can help you build a strong, solid defense against the allegations.
At Ricardo N. Gonzalez & Associates, we provide an aggressive criminal defense against allegations of rape, sexual assault, child pornography, and other sex offenses. We build our criminal defense by identifying constitutional concerns, evidentiary matters, and the applicable provisions of the law. With our proactive approach, we aim to safeguard our clients’ rights.
Seeking Help from a Defense Attorney
Effective representation is the key to building a solid criminal defense. The reputable and experienced Houston sex crimes attorneys at Ricardo N. Gonzalez & Associates give special attention to each case. Our defense attorneys will evaluate the circumstances surrounding the allegations to ensure an effective and efficient representation.
Don’t leave your criminal defense to luck. The likelihood of imprisonment and irreparable damage is too much of a risk to be gambled by having an inexperienced attorney to take your defense. Contact a Houston sex crimes attorney at Ricardo N. Gonzalez & Associates today to pursue an effective defense against allegations of sex offenses.