Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs or other organs. There’s only one known cause for mesothelioma: exposure to asbestos.
If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease because of exposure at work, you may be entitled to compensation from the party or parties responsible for your exposure. The first step in collecting compensation for your condition is to consult with an experienced Houston mesothelioma attorney.
The law firm of Ricardo N. Gonzalez & Associates represents mesothelioma victims and their families in Houston and all over the state of Texas. We are dedicated to helping victims of personal injury recover compensation from the people or companies that are responsible for their illness. We’ve seen first-hand the devastating effects mesothelioma can have on the victim and their families.
The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure
What makes asbestos so dangerous? While asbestos has many desirable qualities – it’s lightweight, strong, affordable, insulating and resistant to heat, fire and electricity – it is also a very toxic substance. A person can inhale microscopic asbestos fibers without even realizing it. Once they’re in the body, they don’t break down and the body has a difficult time expelling them. Over the years, these trapped particles can have a devastating effect on a person’s health, causing serious and even fatal illnesses that include lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis (a type of pneumoconiosis).
Concern about asbestos-related illness began in the early 20th century. By the 1980s and 1990s, when the dangers of asbestos were finally recognized, the government severely restricted the sale and use of the substance.
Since asbestos-related illnesses take about 20 – 50 years to develop, most of the cases of mesothelioma and similar diseases diagnosed in the United States resulted from exposure that took place before asbestos was regulated by the government.
Occupational exposure is the leading cause of mesothelioma and other asbestos related illnesses. Professions associated with asbestos exposure include: mining, construction, firefighting, shipbuilding, military, electricians, heavy industry and manufacturers. However, it can also develop in individuals who have second hand exposure to asbestos, lived in an environment contaminated by asbestos, or regularly used products that contained asbestos.
Have You Been Diagnosed with Mesothelioma in Houston?
Pursuing mesothelioma actions can be challenging. That’s because Mesothelioma is a progressive disease that may take years to develop. Exposure may have taken place years before, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact time and location where the exposure took place.
Our team of Houston mesothelioma attorneys has the experience, expertise and resources to determine how and where you were exposed and gather the evidence that will be crucial in establishing that your illness was caused by asbestos. We’ll be able to demonstrate how your medical expenses, inability to work and your pain and suffering have impacted your life. And you can depend on us to keep fighting until we get you every penny you deserve.
If you have developed an asbestos-related mesothelioma, we urge you to contact the law offices of Ricardo N. Gonzalez & Associates without delay. We are based in Houston but help clients throughout Texas and the United States.